
My pagedown rendered CV

Switch to googlesheets

As I get older and more crotchety I find it more and more difficult to manually update a CSV. In response to this, I have moved the data-storing mechanism from a plain CSV to google sheets using the wonderful googlesheets4 package. This allows for a much more easy updating system and also makes it easy to store all the other info that didn’t feel write to put into a CSV before (like the intro and aside text) right with everything as separate pages/sheets within the main sheet.

I have attempted to keep the whole thing as easy as possible to understand and modify by using a publically available sheet and preserving the old CSV driven way behind a boolean variable that can be set in the setup chunk.


This repo contains the source-code and results of my CV built with the pagedown package and a modified version of the ‘resume’ template.

The main files are:

Want to use this to build your own CV/resume?

  1. Fork, clone, download the zip of this repo to your machine with RStudio.
  2. Make a copy of my info-holding google sheet and fill in your personal info for all the sheets (positions, language_skills, text_blocks, and contact_info). a. If you want to use CSV’s instead of google sheets, update the contents of the CSVs stored in the csvs/ folder.
  3. Go through and personalize the supplementary text in the Rmd you desire (index.Rmd for CV, resume.Rmd for resume).
  4. Print each unique section (as encoded in the section column of positions.csv) in your .Rmd with the command position_data %>% print_section('education').
  5. Get the PDF out by viewing in your browser and then doing control/command + P and selecting “print to pdf”. Alternatively use pagedown::chrome_print() or knit: pagedown::chrome_print in RMD header. See pagedown docs on printing for more details.
  6. Let the world know how awesome you are! (Also send me a tweet/email if you desired and I will broadcast your version of the CV on this repo and or twitter.)

Looking for the old version with just a single CSV?

The blog post I originally wrote about this process used an older version of this document. I think that the new googlesheets method is easier to maintain and extend, however the old version is alive and well here.